Absolute value of an integer

01: int myAbs(int x)
02: {
03:   const int bit31 = x >> 31;
04:   return (x ^ bit31) - bit31;
05: }

Explanation All major processors represent negative numbers using the two's-complement which is defined as:
for x ≥ 0 → x
for x < 0 → NOT(x) + 1

On the lowest level, computers provide logical bit shifts and arithmetic bit shifts.
Both shifts differ in handling how to fill the empty bits on the left side.
Logical shifts insert zeros while arithmetic shifts replicate the formerly highest bit.

Whereas signed integers are arithmetically shifted in C, unsigned integers are logically shifted.

In our case x is shifted arithmetically 31 times to the right which basically erases its value
and spreads the highest bit. That means, line 3 evaluates either to 0x00000000 (→ 0) or
0xFFFFFFFF (→ −1).
Note: 32 bit systems require a shift by 31, 64 bit systems require a shift by 63 accordingly.

Consequently, line 4 turns out to be (x XOR 0) − 0 for positive values of x (including x=0).
x XOR 0 is still x and x − 0 remains x, too. So for positive x we get x ≥ 0 → x.

We saw that for negative values of x, bit31 is set to 0xFFFFFFFF.
Line 4 is then (x XOR 0xFFFFFFFF) − 0xFFFFFFFF. The bracketed XOR is equivalent to NOT(x) and
the constant −0xFFFFFFFF turns out to be −(-1) = +1.
In the end, the whole term is NOT(x) + 1, exactly what we wanted: for x < 0 → NOT(x) + 1

Note: Current C++ compilers (Microsoft, GCC and Intel) implemented a special assembler code sequence
        for abs which runs faster than the shown algorithm on x86 CPUs (see below for its source code).

Restrictions • designed for 32 bits (simple modification for 64 bits possible)

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Performance • constant execution time because branch free

+ Intel® Pentium™ D:
myAbs: ≈ 2.25 cycles per number
• abs: ≈ 1.75 cycles per number

+ Intel® Core™ 2:
myAbs: ≈ 2 cycles per number
• abs: ≈ 1.5 cycles per number

+ Intel® Core™ i7:
myAbs: ≈ 1.75 cycles per number
• abs: ≈ 2 cycles per number
Performance Chart
CPU cycles
(full optimization,
lower values are better)

Assembler Output
01:   ; bit31 = x >> 31
02:   mov ecx, eax
03:   sar ecx, 31
04:   ; return (x ^ bit31) - bit31
05:   mov edx, ecx
06:   xor edx, eax
07:   sub edx, ecx

01:   mov eax, ecx
02:   cdq
03:   xor eax, edx
04:   sub eax, edx

Download The full source code including a test program is available for download.

References multiple sources, author unknown

More Twiddled Bits
  1. Absolute value of a float
  2. Absolute value of an integer
  3. Approximative inverse of a float
  4. Bit manipulation basics
  5. Bit mask of lowest bit not set
  6. Count bits set in parallel a.k.a. Population Count
  7. Detects zero bytes inside a 32 bit integer
  8. Endianess
  9. Extend bit width
  10. Float inverse square root approximation
  11. Float square root approximation
  12. Is power of two
  13. Minimum / maximum of integers
  14. Parity
  15. Position of lowest bit set
  16. Round up to the next power of two
  17. Sign comparison
  18. Sign of a 32 bit integer
  19. Swap two values
Extra: Javascript bit manipulator

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